Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Statement

الرئيسية keyboard_arrow_right Privacy Policy

عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في English.


This content has been prepared for promotional purposes and Rasameel undertakes that no necessary data about the investment in question has been omitted and that what the investment has achieved in the past cannot be relied upon for future results and the investor should seek advice from a financial advisor as the investment is subject to capital risk.

تم اعداد المحتوى على الموقع لأغراض ترويجية وتتعهد الشركة بأنه لم يتم إغفال ذكر أي بيانات ضرورية عن الاستثمار محل الإعلان وإن ما حققه الاستثمار في السابق لا يمكن الاعتماد عليه بالنسبة للنتائج المستقبلية وعلى المستثمر طلب المشورة من مستشار مالي حيث ان الاستثمار معرض لمخاطر في راس المال

Rasameel Investment Company/ collects user information for marketing purposes only. We respect your privacy, and assure you that we will maintain and use this information responsibly.

General Browsing:

Rasameel gathers navigational information about where you go on our website. This information allows us to see which areas of are most visited. This helps us improve the quality of your online experience by recognizing and delivering more of the features and products you prefer. Additional non-personally identifiable information (for example, domain type, browser version, service provider, IP address) may be collected which will provide information regarding your use of our website (such as the time of your last visit to a page on our site).


Disclosure of Personal Information:

The information you provide to us on the Profile and Registration page (i.e. name, address, e-mail address, telephone number and market and investment interests) is maintained in private files on our web server. This information is used for marketing and demographic purposes only. Rasameel will not sell or reveal to any third party your name, address, and email address, unless you provide your informed consent, except to the extent necessary to comply with applicable laws, police investigations, or in legal proceedings where such information is relevant.